AstronautiCAST 05×07 – Fiocco Rosa in casa ISAA


  • Bilancio Astrofest
  • Auguri al neo papà  Gianpietro
  • Prossimo spacetweetup a Roma il 6 dicembre per 20 SpaceTweeps. Ci saranno Diego Urbine e Charles Romain di Mars500


Ringraziamento donazioni

  • Denis Grosso (donatore ricorrente)
  • Questua




  • Michael Sacchi
  • Marco Zambianchi
  • Riccardo Rossi

Sigle e musiche di accompagnamento:

  Copyright Associazione ISAA 2006-2024 - Vedi qui i dettagli della licenza.

Michael Sacchi

Michael sta al podcasting come Luca Giurato sta all'associazione Toastmasters. Ma si diverte un casino e non molla il microfono.

2 Risposte

  1. Karin HOegh ha detto:

    Hi – I have not been able to find your emailaddress, but I have this request for you

    I am the Danish ambassador for the EPA podcast, and I am producing the official podcast – a monthly show

    I hope you will have time to make a promo – to make it easier for you:

    Here’s the format I need I suggest:

    1. Tell me your name, the show’s name, and a short description of what the show is about. In this format:
    “Hello, my name is… and I run the ….. podcast, which is a show about…”

    2. Tell me when you started podcasting – and what inspired you to create this show:
    “I started podcasting… (your explanation)…. I created ….podcast because… (your explanation)”

    3. Tell us a couple of things you’ve learned about podcasting since you started …..podcast – tips that will help other people new to podcasting to create useful shows.
    “Since I started podcasting I’ve learned a lot of new things, but here are a couple of ideas that have really helped me that I want to share with you…. (give us a brief description of your tips).”

    All told, the recordings should not be any longer than 2 minutes.

    Hope this helps

    Thank you

    Karin Hoegh

    Dansk ambassadør til EPA

  2. RikyUnreal ha detto:

    Devo dire che ero veramente cotto.
    La mi rubrica pilota è stata un disastro… vogliamo parlare dello shuttle che rolla sulla pista…. sì sì, si rolla una canna.